How to Order a Repeat Prescription




You can order prescriptions through your community pharmacist, by using our online form, or by putting your repeat prescription request in the yellow box in reception. We do not take prescription requests over the phone. Please allow 72 hours for repeat prescription requests.

Pharmacists are trained experts in the use of medicines. For many questions regarding your medication you’ll find your pharmacy a valuable source of information. You can visit Accurx to ask the practice a question regarding your medication

  • I find it difficult to swallow my new tablet, is there something else I can take?
  • What can I do to help me remember to take my tablets?

image of pharmacist


Medication Review

We review any regular medication on a repeat prescription annually and wherever possible the doctor will do this without you having to attend the surgery.

If you have been advised by the surgery that your medication review is due please visit Accurx.


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