Sexual Health




Unity Sexual Health Services provides a free and confidential service for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

  • Sexual health services
  • STIs and HIV
  • Contraception
  • Pregnancy 
  • Abuse

Visit Welcome to Unity Sexual Health or call 0117 342 6900.

Unity Sexual Health provide free NHS prescribing for PrEP and PEP.

Did you know you can access free STI and HIV testing kits? Either by ordering a postal kit. How to order a postal kit using your online account 

Or by visiting a vending machine at Bristol Watershed or Hamilton House, Stokes Croft.

Chlamydia testing kits for people aged 15-24 years are available from the Surgery – they are in stripy packets on the table next to the stairs. Please put any completed tests in the blue box for processing.

For people 25 years and over please contact Unity Sexual Health.

Brigstowe is a Bristol based organisation providing a range of support services for people living with or worried about HIV. For more information visit their website or call 0117 955 5038